Company Tailored Services

When a language becomes an obstacle in management agility and development of a company, it can be frustrating and inefficient.

We have the idea that obtaining a business level in another language is something completely unmanageable.

THERE IS A SOLUTION. Neurolanguage Coaching®

Spanish for Companies

It is a highly recommended methodology for the corporate world.

Let’s get to the point:

Meetings, conference calls, presentations…B-spoke carries out an exhaustive evaluation of your needs, analysing as well the context of each personal situation.

B-spoke elaborates a content programme for each student according to their position in the company and the needs of the enterprise.

After each session, a report of each session is delivered with the content that has been covered in the session.

Final Individual Report is handed in.

An efficient method

What people say about our work

I have enjoyed so much learning Spanish with Leticia!
I was intermediate level when I started. Leticia was quickly able to assess my level and design a customised and adequate learning program that would suit my needs. I would say the main benefits of the learning are:
- special attention to the environment in which the learner is planning to use the language. This is crucial so that you can mostly focus on what you really need i.e appropriate range of vocabulary, useful expressions, level of language, written versus oral communication etc.
- agility in the methods i.e what works better for you (written exercises, fill the gap, audio recordings etc.)
- customised approach of the language i.e any grammatical, conjugation topic where the learner has a deficiency is immediately addressed in a pragmatic and efficient manner.
This requires a tremendous preparation work that Leticia delivers with a high standard quality.
On a personal point of view, Leticia is a delight to work with, always full of positive energy and encouragement, rightly assessing what you have done right and what you may improve.
I recommend 100% Spanish lessons with Leticia. It is fun, friendly, and super efficient!

Antoine Thibier
Investment banker, London

A fun, smooth, cost effective process.

Please, contact B-spoke if you want to receive information of the packs


Real Spanish for real needs


Companies that trust us